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Photo of N. T. Crotser

Hello there, Traveler of the Web!

Welcome to my humble corner of the internet! 🌐 I know there are more than a bazillion pages out there with flashier designs and cooler animations. So… what are you doing here? Maybe you took a wrong turn on the information superhighway? 😉

Whoever you are and whatever brought you here, thanks for stopping by!


I'm N. T. Crotser (He/Him), hailing from Illinois, USA, with my wonderful wife, our two humanlings, and a couple of house panthers (a.k.a. cats). Professionally, I’m a Water Systems Engineer with credentials like Certified Professional Water Specialist and Hydrotech Factory Certified Technician certificates. I've also got a theoretical degree in physics.


When I’m not engineering water systems, I’m dabbling in film photography, sketching cartoons, or coding in C++. I'm a big advocate for Data Privacy and Free Software, and I’ve got a soft spot for retrocomputing and retrogaming. I'm also a practicing teetotaler.


I’m an INTP-T personality type, which might explain my love for consuming science fiction, tech, and electronics. Some of the media I consume is Star Trek, Halo (4+ didn't happen), Justin Whang's Tales from the Internet, Doc Martin, and the Red Green Show.


So, whether you’re here on purpose or by accident, feel free to explore, laugh, and maybe even learn something new.

Catch you in the next dimension! 🚀

Links to find me elsewhere
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Come see my (soft)wares


The System Sizer


System Sizer is a quick reference program for generating the true capacity of a water softener. System Sizer automatically compensates for iron and manganese levels and will also factor in a 10% system reserve.


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NeoSam screenshot


NeoSam is a Casio (circa late '80s-'90s) inspired watchface intended to be paired with a Samsung Galaxy series smartwatch running WearOS.


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eFlowswitch is an application intended to combine the Raspberry Pi SBC, a Hall Effect Sensor based flow meter, and chemical dosing pumps which make use of dry circuit-based flowswitches.


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Development Environment:

Watch Out!
Oh shit, it's the attack cat!
The attack cat is loose!
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